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Se buscan músicos para trabajar en cruceros

Crew & Cruise acaba de lanzar la convocatoria en Argentina de MUSICOS para trabajar en CRUCEROS INTERNACIONALES DE LUJO!!

Buscamos músicos:

* De sección rítmica: bajo, batería, guitarra, piano

* Vientos: saxo (deberán saber tocar flauta y clarinete), trompeta, trombón

Requisitos excluyentes:

Edad mínima 21 años

Dominio de Inglés

Saber leer partituras

Enviar CV en INGLES a: incluyendo foto tipo profesional/artistica, si tiene experiencia en cruceros, si toca más de un instrumento, IMPORTANTE: incluir repertorio detallado y DEMO (link por ej youtube) o webs donde podamos escucharlos! Todos los musicos pre-seleccionados realizarán una audición. En el asunto del email aclarar el puesto, ej: “Ref. Guitarra” ó “Ref Piano”


There are tow types of musicians:

*Lounge entertainers: Perform repertoire in various bars and lounges around the ship typically do 3 to 4 sets of 45 minutes per night.

* Orchestra musicians: A ship's orchestra usually consists of a rhythm section and several horn players. Depending on the size of the orchestra, a rhythm section includes bass, drums, piano and guitar, and a horn section includes saxophones, trumpets and trombones. They do two shows of 55 minutes with one rehearsal. Their schedule changes quite often though,

Once a musician successfully passes an audition for the orchestra, we will find them a suitable job with one of the cruise lines we work for (this includes Celebrity Cruises, Royal Caribbean International, Azamara Cruises, Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Princess Cruises, Cunard Cruise Lines etc.).

Contracts are typically 4 to 6 months long but that depends on the cruise line that hires them.

What’s a typical salary?

That depends on the position you’ll apply for, the cruise line you’ll work for etc. There are many variables that affect your salary.

For orchestra sidemen, salaries range between $1,800 and $2,600 per month.

Lounge entertainers can make between $2,300 and $3,500 per month.

Note that it’s the cruise line that sets your salary, not us.

Please note: These positions requires you to obtain, before joining a ship, a few documents and certificates: C1/D visa, medical exams and police clearance certificate. Depending on the itinerary of the cruises, you may need additional paperwork such as a Seaman’s Book, yellow fever vaccination or other visas. We will help you 
What’s a typical salary?

That depends on the position you’ll apply for, the cruise line you’ll work for etc. There are many variables that affect your salary.

For orchestra sidemen, salaries range between $1,800 and $2,600 per month.

Lounge entertainers can make between $2,300 and $3,500 per month.

(Note that it’s the cruise line that sets your salary, not us.)

Plus meals and shared Accomodation included.

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